Culmore Cleanup 2008

Please join us for Culmore Cleanup 2008 on May 3, 2008 from 9 to noon. To see this year's sponsors and supporters and for more information about the cleanup please go to

Fifth Annual Clean-up Day in Culmore - Culmore Clean-up 2007

Each year more people have been joining this annual event held in the Culmore/Bailey’s Crossroads area. This year more than 200 volunteers from diverse community groups and residential units fanned out over the Culmore area on May 12th between 9 a.m. and noon to tidy up the neighborhoods around Bailey’s Crossroads. They gathered at the Woodrow Wilson Library, 6101 Knollwood Drive, for their clean-up supplies and refreshments supplied by Starbucks. Then, wearing this year’s t-shirt and gloves and carrying trash bags, they cleaned up trash and litter all over the neighborhoods in the Culmore/Bailey;s Crossroads area. People of all ages and our area’s diverse cultures came together to make the neighborhood shine and they fostered a sense of pride and community solidarity. After cleanup, they gathered back at the library for Pizza supplied by Papa John’s Pizza, Pizza Hut and Stone Hot Pizza.

This annual event was organized by Alternative House, Bailey’s Beautification Alliance, Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, Culmore Family Resource Center, Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross, and the Woodrow Wilson Library.
Sponsors included Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads, Starbucks, and Security One Bank.
Supporters included Bailey's Beautification Alliance, Bailey's Crossroads Revitalization Corporation, BB&T Bank, Clean Fairfax Council, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, Fairfax County Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Division, Harris Teeter, Home Depot, Lake Barcroft Woman’s Club, Mayra's Beauty Salon, Mount of Olives Shopping Center, My Bakery & Café, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, Papa John's Pizza, Pizza Hut, Pollo Campero, Safeway, Stone Hot Pizza, Trader Joe's, Wachovia Bank, and Woodrow Wilson Friends.
Several businesses donated refreshments, door prizes and clean-up materials.

The teams of volunteers included the Girl Scouts, Hispanics Against Child Abuse and Neglect (Morning Star Program), Tenants and Workers United, and Day Laborers, Culmore Resource Center, The Alternative House, Bailey’s Elementary School, J.E.B. Stuart’s Interact Club and the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads as well as concerned individuals from the community.


It’s time for our fourth annual Culmore clean up day. If you, your agency, or someone you know would like to field a team to be a part of this community service project please contact The Woodrow Wilson Library to signup 703-820-8774 ext.4

Culmore Cleanup 2007 will take place on May 12, 2007 from 9 am to 12 pm. We will gather at the Woodrow Wilson Library, enjoy some refreshments, form our teams, and then gather trash throughout the area. At noon Teams will gather back at the library to collect certificates of appreciation and door prizes.

On behalf of the organizational committee we would like to thank you in advance for helping to keep our neighborhood clean.

Safety Tips

1. Read this list of safety tips completely and acknowledge that you have read it by signing in with a coordinator.
2. Wear light or bright-colored protective clothing as well as hard-soled shoes and work gloves.
3. Work only during daylight hours and during acceptable weather.
4. Stay alert for snakes and noxious weeds, and avoid them. Use caution and common sense.
5. Park your car in a safe place away from busy traffic. If necessary, use carpool to the target area.
6. Do not go in the road to pick up litter.
7. Work facing on-coming traffic.
8. Do not play around or do anything that would distract passing drivers or other volunteers. Your being on the roadside already is a distraction.
9. Do not overexert yourself. Take occasional breaks and drink plenty of fluids.
10. Do not pick up materials that appear to be hazardous. Contact a coordinator or the police.